From the region:

As early as the planning and construction phase we were already working closely with companies from the region. We aim to continue this. As a consequence, our camp site was erected solely with regional construction companies.

In our mini-shop at reception you can find honey from a local beekeeper, sparkling wine from the Rotkäppchen Kellerei in Freyburg and beer from Heimathafen Erfurt, a small brewery in Erfurt. We collaborate with Bäckerei Roth in Erfurt for the bread roll service. They also supply us with their own ice-cream. Thanks to our close co-operation, the bakery only delivers pre-ordered goods, helping us to avoid food waste. Proximity to the Gemüse Fischer greengrocer is also an advantage for our guests. This allows regional produce to be purchased directly from the grower, just a few steps from our camp site.

Umweltschutz Recycling Mülltrennung Campingpark Erfurt Thueringen

Campingpark Erfurt

Rudolstädter Straße 83c
99099 Erfurt

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